понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Since LJs being a little bitch, Iapos;m going to have to just post this:

01. Whatapos;s the last TV show you saw?

02. What are you wearing at the moment?
Santana shirt, SJSU sweats, black socks, and some undies

03. Who is/was your favorite cartoon character?
Vegeta (HELL YAH)

04. What is/are your favourite scent(s)?
itapos;s going to sound really weird, but mai taiapos;s pillow

05. What is your favorite drink?
probably tea, chocolate milk, and hot chocolate (with marshmellows AND WHIPPED CREAM)

06. What do you drink the most?

07. What is your guilty pleasure?
double stuffed oreos......but iapos;m not really guilty about it *gobbles*

08. Are you allergic to anything?

09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
an egyptologist

10. What foreign city/cities that youapos;ve never been to would you like to visit?
Egypt, or if I�was given the option, just any ancient city

11. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
No one tagged me. I just jacked this. (thank you mizpearl)

12. How do you like your job?
itapos;s shite

13. Whatapos;s your favourite item of clothing?
my black jeans

14. How long have you been on LJ?
since 2005 I�believe. Sometime in November???

15. Whatapos;s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
get in my pjs, grab some munchies (preferably sweet munchies, like cookies), curl up on the sofa with a warm blankey, and watch really old movies

Anyway, how are things going? Theyapos;re okay I�guess. And thatapos;s saying�a lot considering today�wasnapos;t exactly�the�greatest day of my life, if ya know what I�mean

I�donapos;t know what I did to deserve the worst dancing partner in my entire class. Is this punishment for�stealing those earings for Andrew that one time? Cause he was�broke, I�was doing�it for a good cause My dancing partner hasnapos;t shown up�to class in a while, and my midterm is kinda NEXT WEEK. How could�we figure out and practice coreography when he doesnapos;t even show up to class?

Oh well. At least I�have a lot to look forward to for this week I finally got my costume, and I gotta say,�itapos;s pretty hot. Because Iapos;m a star wars nerd, I�just couldnapos;t say no to being padme. I just....couldnt. It was my calling, and I�answered da phone ;D

So�whatapos;s up? The Halloween party for my churchie was cancelled but there are plans of perhaps doing�one here. That should�be crazy, though Iapos;m really hoping itapos;s not done at our house. We gotta go to another party earlier�in the day so it makes sense.�

Iapos;m going to concert this Friday too. To help mai�tai out. He has to attend�3 concerts, I�believe, and write essays about them because itapos;s part of his final grade. We gotta hop to it Iapos;m so excited�because for once, it might be�just the two of us. I miss doing that cause as nice�as his friends are, I long for alone time =3

My�STUPID�ASS WEAK PHONE isnapos;t working. The buttons dial wrong numbers and itapos;s impossible to�text any letter between�A-K. That leaves me with nothing really. I went to verizon to check if I�could get another phone, and they said I�could, but I�have to pay a late payment fee of like $100. My payment wasnapos;t late WTF?

Oh yeah. I�have a pap on Friday too. Im all over the place. Definitly�not looking forward to that I�have to make a dentist appointment too, itapos;s been nagging and nagging me. Ugh. Sometime before Halloween would be lovely

Tomorrowapos;s the 21rst�YIPEEEEEE�XD

Night everyone.�

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