понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I was listening to "Mediocrity Rules" by Le Tigre, a song I�used to listen to in ninth grade. Just listening to it evokes all the feelings and thoughts I�had six years ago. I�was so fresh then, and yet I�thought I�was the most jaded thing on the face of the earth. I need to learn to appreciate how clean I�was, and how clean I�am (because we are nothing but everything weapos;ve been and will never be anything but what we are). I am still a bit heartbroken by my first true love dumping me outright, but soon enough that will be over and I will create love again. I recall the simplicity of moral punk rock iconoclasm, the messiness of discovering a first relationship, the pure-heartedness of getting caught up in the new people whom [I�thought] were so beautiful. Let me revert to that innocence, to that light-hearted way of living, to the beautiful exciting straightforward confusion that everything was. The gorgeous struggle of delicate Romantic words. The imagined world that I�lived in of abandoned nighttime train tracks with nothing but freedom and cricketsong to keep me company.

I am a dreamer; I�will know love again.

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Since LJs being a little bitch, Iapos;m going to have to just post this:

01. Whatapos;s the last TV show you saw?

02. What are you wearing at the moment?
Santana shirt, SJSU sweats, black socks, and some undies

03. Who is/was your favorite cartoon character?
Vegeta (HELL YAH)

04. What is/are your favourite scent(s)?
itapos;s going to sound really weird, but mai taiapos;s pillow

05. What is your favorite drink?
probably tea, chocolate milk, and hot chocolate (with marshmellows AND WHIPPED CREAM)

06. What do you drink the most?

07. What is your guilty pleasure?
double stuffed oreos......but iapos;m not really guilty about it *gobbles*

08. Are you allergic to anything?

09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
an egyptologist

10. What foreign city/cities that youapos;ve never been to would you like to visit?
Egypt, or if I�was given the option, just any ancient city

11. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
No one tagged me. I just jacked this. (thank you mizpearl)

12. How do you like your job?
itapos;s shite

13. Whatapos;s your favourite item of clothing?
my black jeans

14. How long have you been on LJ?
since 2005 I�believe. Sometime in November???

15. Whatapos;s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
get in my pjs, grab some munchies (preferably sweet munchies, like cookies), curl up on the sofa with a warm blankey, and watch really old movies

Anyway, how are things going? Theyapos;re okay I�guess. And thatapos;s saying�a lot considering today�wasnapos;t exactly�the�greatest day of my life, if ya know what I�mean

I�donapos;t know what I did to deserve the worst dancing partner in my entire class. Is this punishment for�stealing those earings for Andrew that one time? Cause he was�broke, I�was doing�it for a good cause My dancing partner hasnapos;t shown up�to class in a while, and my midterm is kinda NEXT WEEK. How could�we figure out and practice coreography when he doesnapos;t even show up to class?

Oh well. At least I�have a lot to look forward to for this week I finally got my costume, and I gotta say,�itapos;s pretty hot. Because Iapos;m a star wars nerd, I�just couldnapos;t say no to being padme. I just....couldnt. It was my calling, and I�answered da phone ;D

So�whatapos;s up? The Halloween party for my churchie was cancelled but there are plans of perhaps doing�one here. That should�be crazy, though Iapos;m really hoping itapos;s not done at our house. We gotta go to another party earlier�in the day so it makes sense.�

Iapos;m going to concert this Friday too. To help mai�tai out. He has to attend�3 concerts, I�believe, and write essays about them because itapos;s part of his final grade. We gotta hop to it Iapos;m so excited�because for once, it might be�just the two of us. I miss doing that cause as nice�as his friends are, I long for alone time =3

My�STUPID�ASS WEAK PHONE isnapos;t working. The buttons dial wrong numbers and itapos;s impossible to�text any letter between�A-K. That leaves me with nothing really. I went to verizon to check if I�could get another phone, and they said I�could, but I�have to pay a late payment fee of like $100. My payment wasnapos;t late WTF?

Oh yeah. I�have a pap on Friday too. Im all over the place. Definitly�not looking forward to that I�have to make a dentist appointment too, itapos;s been nagging and nagging me. Ugh. Sometime before Halloween would be lovely

Tomorrowapos;s the 21rst�YIPEEEEEE�XD

Night everyone.�

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Oh man. Today has been horrible. I just want to go home and go to bed. Seriously, thatapos;s all I want right now.

The only reason Iapos;m even in class today, considering all thatapos;s happened, is because I had to turn in the IQ testing kit, and I have an exam in 4:30. Of which Iapos;m not looking forward to.

Oh, I gave Zack the IQ test last night and was pleasantly surprised. I know that heapos;s amazingly intellegent, but sheesh. He was annoyed that he had to do it, but I know he had fun. Near the end I think he just wanted it to be overwith as much as I did, but overall, he had fun. He was so upset when he couldnapos;t figure something out. Itapos;s hilarious.

Oh, Trans-Siberian Orchestra is coming to town December 21st Guess who is going to be there? DAMN RIGHT, I AM

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve rezapos;d the old machine. Iapos;m not completely back yet as Iapos;m still without sound. I belatedly remembered that the reason Iapos;d put the card in it because the onboard sound was fried. And here I thought I was just being too cool to use the integrated card. :) Anyway, that will be rectified tomorrow, since a friend is being nice enough to bring one into work for me tomorrow. Itapos;s still an Athlon 2100 with 1 Gb of RAM. But now it has the pretty 250 Gb hard drive out of the file server in it and is in the file serverapos;s shiny Antec case. As an aside Iapos;ll say that the Antec case was the easiest case Iapos;ve ever worked with, though it does have a serious design flaw in the placement of the hard drive bays in conjunction with the AGP slot.

The soup turned out fantastic. While I was covered in dust bunnies from tearing apart PCs, I made egg noodles (yes, I washed my hands first). I make chicken and noodle soup from scratch, add things like peas and carrots, and put thick, fluffy homemade egg noodles in it. I tend to thicken my broth until itapos;s almost like gravy and then serve the whole mess over mashed potatoes. Iapos;ve never made it like that for the kids since I donapos;t cook homemade for them a lot. I tend to get really pissed when I spend hours in the kitchen and then they complain about the veggies and donapos;t eat it. Well, either they are growing up or theyapos;ve figured out why I donapos;t cook very much. Or, they could just be raving about my cooking out of self defense. We spent the last 3 or so years eating like bachelors. Oddly enough, now my kids donapos;t like frozen pizza or burritos anymore. LOL Anyway, the kids loved it. Bug and destructoboy helped me make the noodles. They want to make the noodles by themselves next time. Oh, and I discovered that I no longer have a rolling pin. No clue when it disappeared, but there were a few moments of panic before the boy was dispatched to the houses of the two neighbors I know to beg to borrow one. Iapos;ll have to buy one soon. Iapos;ve promised to make Splenda pies for the boy this winter.

And, finally, of cats. Bastet has longed to be OUT since she got here. I often find her lying on my bed staring out into the yard. If ever a cat looked wistful, it would be her. She escaped when we changed the litter in the catbox yesterday because I insist that must be done outside and Chris left the door open. I managed to find her and bring her back. Today she escaped no less than 4 times. She doesnapos;t go far, but until sheapos;s chipped and keeps her collar on, sheapos;s a house cat. Sheapos;s not very happy about it. By this evening, when my downstairs neighbor came to tell me my cat was out again, I was covered with dust, flour and looking fairly frazzled as I chased her around the yard. Then, the completely unexpected happened. As I dashed after her, she skidded to a stop under the tree, looked up and hissed. At that same moment, a long-haired siamese fell (yes, fell) out of the tree on top of her. The two cats yowled and streaked to opposite corners of the yard. I just leaned against the fence and laughed. I do owe that siamese a bit of thanks though. After her terrifying ordeal, Bastet went right up on the porch and wanted back in the house. :) Iapos;ve never seen the siamese before, but it looked well taken care of, so I let it wander off.

Anyway, my lazy Sunday of WoW turned into an unexpected day of using my tech skills at home for myself (oddly) and not much else. The kids and I had fun cooking and our lady cat wants to be free. Now Iapos;m tired and thinking bed might be good for me. I dunno, maybe Iapos;ll take the refurbed pc out for spin first.

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brangus breeders

Rob and I have been so very busy with life that neither of us have have�the�time to sit back and relax, much less to sit back and record it...

... Saturday night, Rob and I woke up at 11.15 pm and I suggested that we head over to the Meat Packing District and just see what happens. After we hopped off the subway and hit the ungodly windy and chilly streets, Rob informed me that the Meat Packing District is home to tacky house music and, so, we should have a very intresting time partaking in out-of-character activites... And did we.
Passing by various clubs that we had little to no interest in, we decided to slide into a cute but filled bar called Ara. Soon enough, we were sipping and chatting up three folks from Switzerland about the folly in putting ice in wine [the sangria is served with ice there]. Are three comrades were quite repulsed and from there a beautiful friendship would have blossomed if they did not live on the other side of the lake. However, they gave us their information so if we "ever pass around Switzerland" we can have a good time.
Next, we engaged Peter, a lovely fellow from London (I believe) who told us of his barmaid troubles. This coming friday, we are supposed to help him sort out his barmaid worries... Hopefully, we can do a good job. (Un)fortunately, at this point, I became quite incoherent and unaware. Rob, led me with more people we met, who had just came from an 80apos;s party, to Plunge at Hotel Gansevoort where the tacky house music flourished on rooftop. Still, what I can recall of it was fantastic. We danced wildly�and�met a bunch of entertaining folks until we had to leave.
At about 6 in the morning, we realized that we had lost a very valuable item sometime during the night. :[ Retracing all of out steps, however, we could not find it So, off we go, this very instant to try re-retracing out steps again. Lol. Hopefully, this time, weapos;ll find it in one peace
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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So yeah... I got fired last night at cuchi. Long story short iapos;m "not a good fit." iapos;m trying not to take this personally. Iapos;m trying not to question my service skills. Iapos;m trying not to allow this to send me into a tail spin.

iapos;m having a REALLY hard time.

anyway they fired me with notice so now i have to work there tonight, and next thursday - saturday. I would just tell them to go fuck themselves but the sad thing is i HAVE to work. I canapos;t not work because i canapos;t afford it. I hate everything right now. The last thing i want to do is walk in there tonight after my GD shift, but i donapos;t have a choice.

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cabrera its lyric ryan

  • Spamalot is closing in January on Broadway I cursed another show Iapos;ll never get to see that damn show now
  • Eden Espinosa is closing out the LA company of Wicked with Megan Hilty. Iapos;m so glad itapos;s not Sho If it was Sho i was gonna have to fly over, but iapos;ve seen Eden and Megan, so coolies.
  • Matthew Settle is performing at The Yellow Brick Road Not Taken concert, LOL
  • I WANT THE GREEN HEADED PLAYBILL FOR WICKEDapos;S 5TH ANNIVERSARY Damn you playbill store for repeatedly refusing to sell to me
  • How sad, my sister is going to miss Avenue Q in the UK. Itapos;s closing March 28. Unless itapos;s the first thing she does when she gets off the plane, sheapos;s going to miss it. And, obviously, sheapos;ll be missing the Australian version too Maybe sheapos;ll have to fly to NYC for a weekend. Itapos;s only 7 hours.
  • Annoyed that the only article about Broadway that gets written in my local paper is about Katie Holmes and scientology protesters. Iapos;m all for the scientology protesters, i would have bloody joined them, but i just hate that no one gives a damn. I have a halloween party coming up and i donapos;t have any idea what to wear to it cos none of my costumes will make sense to the people who will be there.
  • I have a headache and actually significantly hurt my hand handwriting a 12 page letter to my BFF last night. I wouldnapos;t have handwritten like that since exams in school/uni. OUCH.
  • Itapos;s too hot in my house.
  • There was something else but i forgot.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Okay, hereapos;s a proper update of the past few days. (:

Have been out studying with Am, Xp and No at PParade-MP Library area.
Studying hasnapos;t been very productive for me the past few days; Very restless.

Yes, knowing very well that I shouldnapos;t be allowing myself to slack and rest, I am still doing it.

And damn. I just canapos;t concentrate for nuts.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

So for that, Iapos;m going to study with Ph tomorrow and probably go for (A)Math tuition. (After eons :D)


Anyway, weapos;ve been frequenting Topshop. To de-stress, Iapos;d guess? Oh well.
To sum the week up, it was a crazy one.

Studied at the library with Am, Xp and Di just now.
Di saw her eyecandy, the Angmoh guy.

Xp saw hers for the very last time, I suppose.

Okay, I reckon we should focus on Oapos;s right now.

Pfft. God, I wanna surrender everything to you right now.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I shouldnapos;t really be updating right now, what with reading/studying to do (but no papers, FUCK YEAH). And then should I finish my schoolwork, all Iapos;m going to do is read Nation and then The Graveyard Book and then I have to finish Arkham Asylum to give back to my friend and yadda yadda yadda. Then Iapos;ll sleep.

Iapos;m kind of angry at myself because I accidentally poured way too much water in my aloe vera plant and itapos;s definitely showing; the ends are getting all gross and squishy and brown. And here I thought I was good at taking plants because my bonsaiapos;s been doing so well. :(

Umnumum... I need to get better at comforting people. I usually like to be left alone when Iapos;m upset (and a lot of times when Iapos;m not upset) but of course that isnapos;t the same with others. Bah. Hug or no? Comforting words? Wossamatta? Iapos;m sorry? Buhleh.

Lapos;octobre passe trop vite. Je le hais. >:[

Oh right, my birthday. It was pretty good compared to all of my others. I relaxed with some friends, slept, got bored, and then my family and I went out for SUSHI and had LYCHEE SORBET. Still want, svp.
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